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Pricing and Monetization

3 Weeks Live sessions | 4th Weekend Campus Immersion

Capturing Value is the essential part of any product innovation lifecycle where monetization strategy is key to any product/business charter. In this course, we will look at pricing as a strategy as well as the different models and drivers for the techniques used in the industry.

Pricing models are very closely tied to the overall productizing process as it deals with somehow quantifying the perception of value that the product/solution offers to the end customers.

Learn from anywhere on your schedule

Ability to understand different drivers of Pricing (ex. Profitability, MARKET Share, Revenue Growth, Signalling etc).
Ability to map out the right set of pricing parameters that eventually help create Value-based Pricing vs Cost based pricing which is more common (and easy/lazy) practice.
Understand the balance between FINANCIAL optimization (internally) vs simplicity of the customer-facing pricing models.
Understand and implement different business models like freemium (cloud / SaaS-based offerings) and how they impact pricing.
Recognize and exploit the different roles that prices play in a competitive market.
Determine the proper role of costs, competitors, and customers in setting that elusive “right” price.
Use monetization as a language to build customer engagement and commitment.

Why this Bootcamp

Work 1:1 with a Mentor

We pair you with a mentor who has extensive professional and academic knowledge of the field. You’ll have one-on-one conversations with him or her, and receive useful feedback on improving your work.

Learn from Anywhere, On Your Schedule

Each week, you’ll complete a series of videos, quizzes, slideshows and projects through our online platform – available to access at any time. Scheduling time for a mentoring session is just as flexible.

We’ll Keep You Engaged

Our mentors are here to keep you motivated, answer questions, provide feedback, and help deepen your understanding of essential tools and techniques.

See What You'll Learn

■ What is Business Model
■ Business Model Canvas
■ Segmentation – Types of Segmentation, Benefits of Segmentations and Strategic Segmentation

■ Cluster Analysis
■ Conjoint Analysis

■ Revenue Streams
■ 14 types of Revenue Models

■ Pricing Approaches
■ Pricing Design
■ Different Pricing for Different Segmentations
■ Value-Based Pricing
■ How to calculate customer value

■ Pricing
■ Capacity Management
■ Marketing
■ Demand Elasticity

“It’s a good introduction course to pricing and various revenue models. This course presents the concepts in a easy way, have some exercises and also an example throughout the whole course.   A good point of this course is that I could work on my own business idea.”

Abhay Singh

Senior Manager, Thomson Reuters


Prof. Pinkesh Shah

Sr. Faculty,
School of Product Management

Prof. Pinkesh had a number of leadership roles in Silicon Valley technology firms including Global VP of Product Management responsible for the Risk and Compliance portfolio of products at McAfee, Inc., and Chief Security Architect & Director of Products at NetIQ. Prof. Shah is on the board of several technology startups. Prof. Shah brings his vast industry experience and deep knowledge of product strategy, product leadership mindsets and skill sets, marketing and management into his sessions.

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