Institute of Product Leadership
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Customer Centric Innovation for Engineers


Practice customer centricity as the pivot to all engineering activities

Key Highlights

Course Length

5 Weeks

100% Online

With Continuous Learning Community support + Monthly Live Webinars​


4 Hours/ Week

Learning Access

Resource Toolkit & Templates + Unlimited Networking Events

“As engineers we are always focused on creating solutions, products but often miss out on the important questions of why are we developing this solution? How do we know the customer will benefit from it and how do we know we are working on the right problem? This course makes us step back and learn the approach, ask those questions and put them into context in a structured way. The process of innovation is beautifully explained and is very practical”
Sukhinder S
“After going through this course as an engineer I’ve started asking very important but often unasked questions - Who is the product for? Why do they need it? Why do they choose us? What is the best way to innovate? and now my work as an engineer is more satisfying”
Kripa M

What will you Learn?

Top skills you will learn

Course Curriculum

  •    Importance of Understanding Your Customers
  •    How to understand your customer
  •    Chapter Quiz
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    Effective Communication
  •    B2B Communication
  •    Chapter Quiz
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    What is a Persona
  •    Creating Personas – Persona BAG
  •    BAG Framework – Behaviour,Aspirations, Goals
  •    Designing a Sample Persona
  •    Chapter Quiz
  •    Building a Buyer Persona
  •    Why do Personas Fail
  •    Chapter Quiz
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    Understanding the Problem
  •    Asking the right questions
  •    Why do problems exist
  •    JTBD types (core, social, emotional)
  •    Customer Profile Map
  •    Chapter Quiz
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    Understanding the Solution
  •    Journey Map
  •    The Value Map
  •    Elements of Value
  •    Chapter Quiz
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    Value Proposition Design – Recap
  •    Final Quiz
  •    Empathy in Product Development
  •    Building Customer Centric Products
  •    Product Management: Not Just for Product Managers
  •    Product Management as a Career Path
  •    Transition from Technology Professional to Product Management Career Charter
  •    Building Successful Career with Product Management
  •    Recommended Books
  •    Getting Started
  •    What is Creativity and Innovation
  •    Understanding Invention and Patent
  •    What is a Habit?
  •    Curiosity and Experimentation
  •    Courage
  •    Sense of Humour
  •    Power of Association
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    What is a Product?
  •    Where do Ideas come from?
  •    Conceptualization to Execution
  •    Creativity in Go-to-Market and Product Pricing
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    Visual Thinking
  •    Rapid Iteration
  •    What is Design Thinking?
  •    Customer Centricity
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    What is the Science Behind Creativity?
  •    Best Case Solution
  •    Landscaping and Solution Vegetation
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    Staying with the Problem and Mind Mapping
  •    5W 1H
  •    Storytelling
  •    What is Solution Vegetation?
  •    SCAMPER
  •    Tiers of Non-Customers
  •    Technique from Design Thinking
  •    Non-Dollar Returns
  •    Introduction and Learning Outcomes
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    Learning Outcomes
  •    Define Innovation
  •    Define Innovation
  •    Learning Outcomes
  •    Different types of Innovation
  •    Chapter Quiz
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    Learning Outcomes
  •    Processes of Innovation
  •    Chapter Quiz
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    Learning Outcomes
  •    Various practices at Innovative Companies
  •    Chapter Quiz
  •    Additional Learning Resources
  •    Learning Outcomes
  •    Tangible and Intangible Returns
  •    Chapter Quiz
  •    Course Summary
  •    Resource Library
  •    Final Exam
  •    Reference Books

Ideal For

Engineers with over 5 years of experience

Common Scenarios to Enroll

Customer Centric Mindset
Customer Centric MindsetYou don’t want to be limited by a functional perspective and want to foster a customer based outlook to your work.
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Innovation Driver
Innovation DriverRecognizing the importance of innovation at work, you want to learn how to generate ideas and drive their execution.
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Intrapreneurial Competencies
Intrapreneurial CompetenciesYou want to do a comprehensive short term course that can enable the intrapreneur in you to generate growth possibilities in your company.
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65% of companies say their customer focused employees are their most important partners in innovation, ranking them above technology partners

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