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How the best product managers work with feature documents

By Nils Janse – Founder at Delibr

Product management is no walk in the park. Imagine being the mastermind behind a product, juggling strategy, problem-solving, and team coordination, all while keeping everyone focused on the ultimate goal: delivering value to users. It’s a tough but rewarding job that requires a unique set of skills and strategies. In this blog, we’ll break down what makes the role of a product manager so challenging and share practical tips to help you excel in this demanding but crucial position.

Key Takeaways:

  • Product managers handle strategy, prioritization, execution, obstacle removal, and team communication, making the role complex and multifaceted.
  • PMs navigate intricate decisions, manage diverse stakeholders, and adapt to dynamic processes, contributing to the role’s inherent challenges.
  • Success in product management involves aligning with business goals, building a strong knowledge base, and balancing business impact with customer satisfaction.
  • Using user stories frames features from the user’s perspective, aligning business stakeholders, designers, and engineers on user experience and value.
  • Joint user story mapping sessions help teams visualize the user journey, prioritize features, and ensure shared understanding, leading to effective MVP development.
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    Understanding the Complex Role of a Product Manager

    What is a Product Manager?

    The role of a product manager (PM) is often defined in various ways, but a clear and concise definition from the “High Growth Handbook” by Elad Gil offers a comprehensive overview. According to Gil, a product manager is responsible for:

    • Product Strategy and Ambition
    • Product Prioritization and Problem Solving
    • Execution Timelines and Resource Management
    • Removal of Obstacles
    • Communication and Collaboration Across Teams

    This definition captures the multifaceted responsibilities of a PM, but to truly grasp why the role is so challenging, we need to delve deeper into its complexities.

    The Complexities of Product Management

    Product management is inherently difficult due to the intricate nature of decisions, people, and processes involved. Let’s explore these aspects in detail:

    1. Decision-Making Complexity

    The role of a PM involves handling a series of complex decisions. The intricacy here can be broken down into:

    • Content Matter: How advanced is the subject matter discussed?
    • Non-Obvious Decisions: How many decisions require deep thought and are not immediately clear?
    • Interconnected Decisions: How related are these decisions to one another?

    For anyone experienced in product management, these factors are a daily reality, making decision-making a daunting task.

    2. People Complexity

    The number and diversity of people involved in product management further complicate the role. Considerations include:

    • Input Variety: How many people provide input, and how diverse are their perspectives?
    • Knowledge vs. Power: How well does the decision-making power of these individuals align with their knowledge of the subject?

    Product managers often face the challenge of balancing inputs from various stakeholders, some of whom may have significant influence but limited understanding of the issues at hand.

    3. Process Complexity

    The processes involved in product management are also highly complex, influenced by:

    • Time for Discussions: How much time is allocated for discussions?
    • Decision Timelines: How far in advance can decisions be made?
    • Decision Stability: How often do decisions change?

    The ever-evolving nature of product development means that processes are rarely straightforward and often require constant adjustment and agility.

    Why the Product Manager Role Stands Out

    When comparing the role of a product manager to other knowledge workers, it becomes evident that PMs face a uniquely challenging environment. The aggregated complexity of decision-making, people management, and process handling makes the role exceptionally demanding.

    The Archetypal Product Management Process

    Understanding the Product Manager Process

    Every product manager (PM) has a unique approach to managing their responsibilities, but through extensive interviews with hundreds of PMs, a common archetype of the product management process has emerged. This archetype illustrates the journey of a feature from ideation to deployment and beyond.

    The Journey of a Feature

    1. Ideation

    The process begins with the generation of ideas. This early stage is crucial as it sets the foundation for what the feature could become.

    2. Prioritization

    Once an idea is born, it enters a phase of prioritization. During this stage, the feature’s importance and relevance are assessed in the context of the overall product strategy.

    3. Discovery

    The feature then undergoes a back-and-forth process of discovery. This phase involves exploring the feature in greater detail to understand its potential and requirements better.

    4. Refinement

    After the feature has been prioritized and its concept solidified, it moves into refinement. Here, more specific details are added to flesh out the feature thoroughly.

    5. Development

    The refined feature then enters the development phase, where it is built and coded by the engineering team.

    6. Testing

    Post-development, the feature is rigorously tested to ensure it functions as intended and meets quality standards.

    7. Deployment

    Once testing is complete, the feature is deployed to the live environment where users can interact with it.

    8. Iteration and Optimization

    The process doesn’t end with deployment. Continuous iteration and optimization are necessary to refine the feature based on user feedback and performance metrics. This iterative loop feeds back into the ideation phase, ensuring ongoing improvement.

    Roles and Artifacts

    Throughout this journey, various roles and artifacts play pivotal parts:

    • Roles (Yellow)

    Multiple roles are involved at different stages, each contributing unique expertise and perspective. The PM is central to this process, acting as the coordinator and decision-maker.

    • Artifacts and Methods (Gray)

    Numerous artifacts and methods are used to support the process. These can include documents, tools, and techniques essential for managing each phase effectively.

    The Complexity of the Product Manager Role

    This archetypal process highlights the complexity and difficulty of the PM role. Managing a feature from ideation to deployment involves coordinating with numerous stakeholders, handling diverse artifacts, and making critical decisions at every stage. The PM must stay on top of this intricate process, ensuring that each phase transitions smoothly to the next, which underscores the challenging nature of product management.

    Overcoming the Complexities of Product Management: A Detailed Guide

    Product managers (PMs) face numerous challenges due to the volume and variety of decisions they need to make. The role requires balancing the needs and expectations of various stakeholders while ensuring the product’s success. To effectively navigate these complexities, PMs can focus on three key strategies: aligning on business impact, building a knowledge base through research, and prioritizing business impact while focusing on customer outcomes.

    1. Align on Business Impact

    To align on business impact, PMs must adopt a mindset similar to that of top management. This involves understanding and aligning with the core business outcomes that the organization aims to achieve. PMs should think beyond their immediate responsibilities and consider the broader business context.

    Steps to Align on Business Impact:

    a. Understand Organizational Goals: 

    Gain a clear understanding of the organization’s strategic objectives. This may involve conversations with executive stakeholders to clarify the business outcomes they prioritize.

    b. Adopt a CEO Mindset: 

    Approach your role with the mindset of a CEO or a business area manager. This means considering how each decision impacts the overall business, not just your specific product.

    c. Use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results): 

    Implement OKRs to link high-level business objectives with specific, measurable results. This helps translate broad goals into actionable steps that can be tracked and measured.

    Example: If the organization aims to increase market share, a PM should identify how their product can contribute to this goal. This might involve developing features that attract new customers or enhance the product’s competitiveness.

    2. Build a Knowledge Base Through Research

    Building a robust knowledge base through comprehensive research is crucial for informed decision-making. PMs should gather both quantitative and qualitative data to understand their product, market, and customers better.

    Components of a Comprehensive Knowledge Base:

    a. Quantitative Research: 

    Work with data analysts to gather numerical data that provides insights into user behavior, market trends, and product performance. Tools like analytics dashboards, A/B testing, and user surveys can be invaluable.

    b. Qualitative Research: 

    Engage in user research to gain deeper insights into customer needs, pain points, and preferences. Methods include interviews, focus groups, and usability testing.

    c. Balance Structure and Curiosity: 

    While structured frameworks are essential for organizing research, PMs should also remain curious and ask probing questions. This ensures they don’t just fill out frameworks but truly understand the underlying dynamics.

    Example: A PM might use quantitative data to identify a drop-off point in the user journey and then conduct qualitative research to understand why users are abandoning the process at that stage. Combining these insights can inform targeted improvements.

    3. Prioritize Business Impact but Focus on Customer Outcomes

    PMs must prioritize initiatives that drive business impact while ensuring these initiatives deliver meaningful outcomes for customers. This dual focus ensures that business goals are met through enhanced customer satisfaction and engagement.

    Differentiating Key Concepts:

    a. Output: 

    The tangible work produced, such as user stories, features, or bug fixes.

    b. Outcome:

    The benefits or changes experienced by the customer, such as problem resolution, behavior change, or improved satisfaction.

    c. Impact: 

    The benefits to the organization, such as increased revenue, improved market share, or enhanced brand reputation.

    Steps to Achieve This Balance:

    1. Identify Business Impact Goals: 

    Clearly define the business impact you aim to achieve. For instance, increasing conversion rates or improving customer retention.

    b. Focus on Customer Outcomes: 

    Determine how achieving these business impacts will translate into better outcomes for customers. This might involve enhancing the user experience, solving critical pain points, or adding valuable new features.

    c. Use Epics for Manageable Scopes: 

    Break down large initiatives into epics, which are sizable chunks of work that can be completed in one or two sprints. This helps manage scope and ensures a focused effort on delivering customer value.

    Example: If the business goal is to increase customer retention, a PM might focus on improving the onboarding process (output), leading to smoother user experiences and higher satisfaction (outcome), which in turn boosts retention rates (impact).

    4. Express Features as User Stories

    User stories are concise, user-centric descriptions of a feature or functionality. They follow a simple format: “As a [type of user], I want [an action] so that [a benefit].” This format ensures that every feature is framed from the perspective of the user, highlighting the value it delivers.

    For example, instead of writing a requirement like “Implement a login feature,” a user story would be: “As a new user, I want to be able to create an account quickly so that I can start using the platform immediately.” This shifts the focus from the technical implementation to the user’s experience and the value it brings.

    User stories help bridge the gap between various teams by providing a common language:

      • Business Stakeholders: Understand the value the feature brings to the business.
      • Designers: Focus on creating a seamless and intuitive user experience.
      • Engineers: Concentrate on the technical feasibility and implementation details.

    By expressing features as user stories, product managers can ensure that all teams are aligned on the goals and objectives, fostering better collaboration and understanding.

    5. Conduct Joint User Story Mapping Sessions

    User story mapping is a collaborative exercise that involves mapping out the user journey and identifying the necessary steps and features to achieve the desired outcome. This process helps teams visualize the workflow and prioritize features effectively.

    Steps for Effective User Story Mapping

    a. Identify the Epic: 

    Start with the broad objective or problem you are addressing. For instance, improving the onboarding process for new users.

    b. Map the User Journey: 

    Outline the steps the user takes to achieve their goal, such as signing up, logging in, and completing their profile.

    c. Fill in the User Stories: 

    For each step, identify specific user stories that need to be addressed. This might include stories like “As a new user, I want to sign up using my Google account so that I can save time.”

    d. Slice the Stories: 

    Prioritize the most critical user stories and push less essential ones to later iterations. The goal is to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that delivers value quickly.

    Involving both the development team and stakeholders in these sessions ensures that everyone has a shared understanding and contributes to the planning process. This collaborative approach helps uncover potential issues early and fosters a sense of ownership among all team members.

    6. Capture the Conversions Triggered by the User Story

    Capturing the conversions triggered by user stories means tracking how the implementation of a user story impacts user behavior and business outcomes. This step is crucial for measuring the effectiveness of the features and ensuring they deliver the intended value.

    Once a user story is implemented, it’s essential to track its impact on key metrics. For example, if a user story aimed to improve the sign-up process, track metrics such as the number of new sign-ups, the completion rate of the onboarding process, and user engagement post-sign-up.

    Gathering data on conversions helps product managers understand what works and what doesn’t. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement. If a user story does not achieve the desired outcome, it provides valuable insights for refining the feature or exploring alternative solutions.

    7. Five Practices to Create a Shared Understanding of What to Build Among Team and Stakeholders

    Creating a shared understanding among your team and stakeholders is essential for successful product development. Here are five practices to help achieve this goal:

    a. Unless You Share Pizzas, Write Things Down

    • Amazon’s “two-pizza team” rule suggests that teams should be small enough to share two large pizzas—typically six to eight people. Larger teams complicate communication and decision-making.
    • To avoid miscommunication and ensure everyone is on the same page, document all critical discussions and decisions. This can be done through whiteboards, Slack channels, or other tools. The key is to have everything written down and accessible.

    b. Capture Most Details in Epic Documents

    • Centralize all project details in an epic document. This document should serve as the primary reference point for the entire team, avoiding redundancy across different tools like roadmaps or design platforms.
    • For example, use the roadmap for visual overviews and refer to the epic document for detailed information. Similarly, design and implementation tools like Jira should link back to the epic document to maintain a single source of truth.

    c. Make Epic Documents Live Across Stages

    • Start your epic document early in the project lifecycle. This document should evolve from initial ideas to detailed technical notes, including user stories and requirements.
    • Continuously update the epic document as the project progresses, ensuring it remains the central source of information. Collaboration with your development team is essential, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working from the same document.

    d. Use a Template That Can Anticipate Topics

    A well-structured template simplifies the documentation process and ensures consistency. Key principles for an effective template include:

    • Epic Level Scope: Keep the document focused on a manageable scope to maintain clarity and relevance.
    • User Story Focused: Structure the document around user stories to ensure it captures all necessary details.
    • Discovery and Delivery: Include sections for both the discovery and delivery phases, covering the entire project lifecycle.
    • Stakeholder Readability: Start with a high-level overview, including the problem description, solution approach, success metrics, and rollout plan. This allows stakeholders to grasp the essentials without being overwhelmed by details.

    e. Get the Structure You Need with an Outliner

    An outliner tool presents documents in a tree structure of bullets, offering significant benefits:

    • Detail Management: Product managers can include extensive details without overwhelming stakeholders, who can collapse sections they don’t need.
    • Navigation Efficiency: Stakeholders can quickly find information by navigating the outline structure, especially if all PMs use a consistent template.
    • Improved Workflow: Outliners enhance the efficiency of working with and structuring information. They allow for detailed organization while maintaining clarity and accessibility.

    8. Enhancing Decision-Making in Product Management: Key Practices for Clarity and Collaboration

    By focusing on three core practices—exposing underlying questions, facilitating structured discussions, and making the decision-making process transparent within documents—you can significantly enhance team collaboration and project outcomes.

    a. Handle Decision-Making by Exposing Underlying Questions

    Product managers make numerous micro decisions daily, often implicitly. To improve clarity and ensure all team members understand the rationale behind each decision, it’s vital to explicitly frame these decisions as questions. For instance, instead of vaguely noting “OAuth access tokens will be sent,” pose a question: “What standard should we use for user authorization?” This approach not only clarifies the decision but also opens up room for detailed discussion and context.


    • Implicit Decision: “OAuth access tokens will be sent.”
    • Explicit Question: “What standard should we use for user authorization?”

    By framing the decision as a question, you highlight the decision-making process and create an opportunity for thorough examination and documentation of options and rationales.

    b. Facilitate Structured Discussions for Difficult Decisions

    Facilitating structured discussions is essential for addressing complex decisions. Employ frameworks like the Six Thinking Hats to guide these conversations. This method encourages team members to consider different perspectives, ensuring a well-rounded decision-making process.

    Implementing Structured Discussions:

    • Identify key questions that need resolution.
    • Use frameworks to guide the discussion, ensuring all relevant viewpoints are considered.
    • Document the outcomes of these discussions within the primary document to maintain transparency and context.

    Example Framework: Six Thinking Hats

    • White Hat: Focus on data and information.
    • Red Hat: Explore emotions and intuitions.
    • Black Hat: Consider potential problems and risks.
    • Yellow Hat: Look for benefits and value.
    • Green Hat: Encourage creativity and new ideas.
    • Blue Hat: Manage the thinking process and ensure productive discussion.

    c. Make the Decision-Making Process Transparent Within the Document

    Transparency in the decision-making process is critical. Avoid using separate spreadsheets or documents that create multiple sources of truth. Instead, integrate questions, discussions, and decisions directly within the main project document. This method maintains context, ensures consistency, and makes it easier for team members and stakeholders to follow the decision-making process.

    Best Practices for Transparency:

    • Inline Documentation: Embed questions and decisions within the relevant sections of the main document. This keeps all information in context.
    • Options and Rationales: For each decision, list possible options, pros and cons, and the rationale behind the final choice. This provides a clear trail of thought and justification.
    • Marking Status: Clearly indicate the status of each decision—whether it is open, in discussion, or finalized. This helps track progress and ensures everyone is aware of the current state.

    Example Documentation:

    • Question: “What should the relative status of the sign-up methods be on the sign-up page?”


    • Promote Google sign-up with email secondary
    • Promote email sign-up with Google secondary
    • Equally, promote both methods

    Pros and Cons: Detail the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

    Decision and Rationale: State the chosen option and the reasoning behind it.

    Example Document Walkthrough: Single Sign-On Feature

    To illustrate these practices, let’s consider an example document for implementing a Single Sign-On (SSO) feature:

    1. Epic Name and Problem Statement: Clearly define the epic and the problem it addresses, supported by research data and customer feedback.

    2. Solution Overview and Success Metrics: Outline the proposed solution and define how success will be measured.

    3. User Story Mapping: Break down the epic into user stories, each with detailed acceptance criteria, designs, tasks, and any relevant questions.

    4. Decision Documentation: Within each user story, document decisions as explicit questions. For example, “What should the relative status of the sign-up methods be on the sign-up page?” List the options and pros and cons for each.

    5. Collaborative Decision-Making: Facilitate discussions using frameworks like the Six Thinking Hats, ensuring diverse perspectives are considered.

    Benefits of This Approach

    1. Enhanced Clarity: Explicitly framing decisions as questions ensures that the rationale and context are clear to all team members and stakeholders.

    2. Improved Collaboration: Structured discussions lead to better-informed decisions, fostering a collaborative environment.

    2. Effective Documentation: Integrating questions and decisions within the main document maintains context and transparency, making it easier to revisit and understand past decisions.

    Leveraging Tools for Better Documentation

    To streamline this process, consider using tools designed for writing feature documents. These tools often provide:

    1. Bundling of Relevant Content: Keep all information in one place, collapsing sections to maintain focus.

    2. Two-Way Integration with Jira: Sync documents with Jira to ensure a single source of truth.

    3. Effective Decision Management: Handle micro decisions seamlessly within the document.

    4. Template Usage: Utilize templates to maintain consistency and anticipate necessary topics.

    By following these practices and utilizing appropriate tools, product managers can enhance clarity, foster collaboration, and ensure effective decision-making throughout the product development process.

    The role of a product manager is inherently complex, requiring a delicate balance of strategic vision, detailed execution, and collaborative teamwork. By aligning on business impact, building a robust knowledge base, and prioritizing both business and customer outcomes, PMs can navigate these challenges effectively. Adopting user stories, conducting joint mapping sessions, and fostering a shared understanding among teams further enhance the PM’s ability to deliver successful products. Through these strategies and practices, product managers can master their multifaceted role and drive meaningful results for their organizations.

    About the Author:

    Nils Janse – Founder at Delibr

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A good product manager possesses a blend of strategic thinking, problem-solving skills, and effective communication. They understand the importance of aligning product decisions with business objectives while prioritizing user needs. Additionally, strong leadership and collaboration abilities enable them to navigate complex challenges and drive successful outcomes for their team and organization.

    To become a successful product manager, focus on mastering key skills such as strategic thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. Embrace a user-centric mindset, aligning product decisions with business goals while prioritizing customer needs. Engage in continuous learning, seek opportunities for collaboration, and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth to excel in this dynamic and demanding role.

    The stages of the journey of a feature are ideation, prioritization, discovery, refinement, development, testing, deployment, iteration, and optimization.
