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A Day in the Life of a Product Manager seminar

21st January, 2017 – a cold and wintry Saturday morning in Delhi – yet, this did not dampen the zest and enthusiasm of around 100 participants in our day-long seminar “A Day in the Life of a Product Manager”. This seminar held at the Fortune Hotel in Gurgaon was aimed at mid-career professionals in the service and product sectors who wished to get a glimpse into the product management function and learn about the opportunities and skills required for this career track.

Guest speakers for the day included Prof. Rishi Mohan Bhatnagar, Innovation President at Aeris Communications, Nishant Pandey, Product Manager,, Nilanjan Roy, Head of Strategy, Times Business Solution Ltd, Deep Bajaj, Founder, First Step Digital Pvt. Ltd and Gaurav Mehta, Chief Marketing Officer at GirnarSoft.

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The speakers and panellists captivated the audience by sharing their thoughts, anecdotes and experiences. The enthusiastic participants, on their part, peppered all the speakers with questions on career advancement, changing jobs, future of the industry and so on.

It was award time towards the end of the day – as "Best tweet" "Best question" and "Most passionate participant" awards were distributed.

It was interesting to see attendees staying back long after the seminar was over, to network with the speakers and IPL faculty. It was obvious that our Delhi attendees were happy to attend such a thought leadership initiative. Kudos to all the participants for making it to the seminar, despite the inclement weather!

Here are some quotable quotes of the day:

● “If you are a product manager, you have to be connected to the ground…..A good product manager is an equal weightage of IQ and EQ” - Nilanjan Roy, Head of Strategy, Times Business Solution Ltd
● “Know how to keep in touch with your customer and see what is the roadmap for their product.” - Prof. Rishi Mohan Bhatnagar, Innovation President at Aeris Communications
● “Career is what you focus on. Control your aperture. Channelize journey by knowing your career anchors.” – Tweet from the Twitter wall.
● “Irrespective of how you do and how well you do, without values and ethics in business, things will go wrong.” – Prof. Naveen Lakkur


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