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3 Vital Stages of Transitioning Into a New Product Management Role

Picture of Pinkesh Shah

Pinkesh Shah

Chief Product Officer, Qualys

In today’s professional world, many individuals find themselves contemplating a shift from their current roles. The shift doesn’t have to be outside your company or industry. It could be within your company. We call this transition from one role to another and it requires a certain set of skills and strategies to nail getting the final offer letter. It requires somebody to see us in a different lens, to evaluate you, visualize you in the new role.

Key Takeaways:

  • A working professional can utilize the look, hook and book methodology to transition to a new role.
  • Making compelling resumes, digital portfolios and getting impactful recommendations are a part of the “look” stage.
  • Nailing the interview process by showcasing why you are better suited for the role than the competitors is a part of the “hook” stage.
  • The last stage is called the “book” stage which pertains to the process of negotiating the compensation package, asking feedback for yourself and understanding the company’s work culture.
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    There are three main stages involved in this process of transitioning to a new role. Every professional looking to transition to a new role has to go through these stages. It does not matter if you are a fresher from college or if you are someone with 10+ years of experience; your extent of experience is immaterial. This methodology is generally called look, hook, book.

    Look: Getting noticed

    This is the first stage in the role transitioning process. This stage is even more crucial in contemplating a transition to a new company, because you do not usually have connections there. If you don’t get noticed, you are just part of the noise. You are just a part of a group of people who are trying to make the same transition as you. Hence, standing out from this huge crowd becomes very important.  

    (i) Resume and referral

    It is essential to make a good resume that showcases your experiences, education and skills. The other part is getting referrals. This can be hugely beneficial to you in getting an interview because employees who can personally vouch for you significantly highlight you before the hiring committee.

    (ii) Digital presence and visual display of portfolio

    In today’s fast paced and highly competitive job market, it is a non-negotiable skill for you to make a strong digital presence. Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date and shows a compelling representation of the work you have done. You can utilize LinkedIn to share posts, engage in online discussions and showcase your thought process.You can also use blogs and thought leadership artifacts to highlight your portfolio.When a hiring manager searches for you online, every piece of content they encounter about you should reinforce your suitability for the desired role.

    Hook: Capturing attention

    Getting the relevant crowd’s attention while trying to make a transition to a new role is not an easy task. The “Hook” stage involves making a lasting impression on potential employers through your resume, portfolio, or initial interactions. This would help in evoking a sense of interest and curiosity in them.

    (i) Crisp and precise information 

    You need to keep in mind that only around 20-30 minutes would be given to you to impress your potential employers. Avoid being redundant to focus on your achievements and skills you have gained over the years, and also on what sets you apart from the competition.

    (ii) Portfolio presentation

    Though hiring managers can get a lot of information about you online, it is still necessary that you showcase a well-organized, easy to navigate portfolio that highlights your most significant achievements. Focus their attention on concrete examples to illustrate your impact in previous experiences.

    Book: Getting an offer

    This stage happens during or after the interview. This involves securing a tangible offer for the new role.

    (i) Post Interview engagement
    Post the interview, try to proactively engage with the hiring team. You can ask for feedback on your work or interview. It is helpful to show your enthusiasm to get started and be a part of the company.

    (ii) Negotiation
    After receiving the offer, it is important to carefully evaluate the offer in terms of alignment with your career goals, compensation, and work culture. It is best to negotiate terms and conditions that are mutually beneficial to both parties.

    (iii) Transition planning
    After the negotiation, try to get to know the company values, culture, and establish connections with important people. Transition planning will help you in a smooth integration into your new professional environment.

    “Look, Hook, Book” methodology provides a structured framework for professionals seeking to transition to a new role. It can give them the confidence to strategically manage their visibility, capture relevant attention through impactful communication, and secure tangible offers in today’s competitive professional landscape.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Making compelling resumes, digital portfolios to highlight your past experience and achievements, and getting impactful recommendations are a part of the “look” stage. This stage happens before the interview process.

    The “hook” stage involves making a lasting impression on potential employers through your resume, portfolio, or initial interactions during the interview process. They should be able to see a spark in you, which sets you apart from other candidates.

    The “book” stage happens as a part of the post interview process where you receive an offer of employment from the company. This stage involves asking for feedback, negotiating your compensation, and understanding the company vision.

    About the Author

    Pinkesh Shah – Chief Product Officer, Qualys

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