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Product Hackathon - Digital Harbor

12th Mar 2018 | 11.00 am onwards
Digital Harbor, Bangalore

About the Company:

Digital Harbor is a pure-play product and technology innovator. Digital Harbor has been at the forefront of creating “first-of-its-kind” technologies, platforms and products across multiple verticals. Digital Harbor pioneered the “Know Your Customer (KYC)” solution for the banking industry in the US which later became a norm across industries and regions and recognized as a leader in risk management solutions for financial institutions. After entering the Healthcare industry in 2009, Digital Harbor has become one of the fastest growing companies in this sector and is already a trusted partner of leading Health care organizations across the United States.


Manasij Kar

Director Product Management, Digital Harbor

Manasij is the Director of Product Management Group at Digital Harbor. In his role, Manasij develops the strategy and execution road maps for Digital Harbor’s line of products using the innovative Social Enterprise Technology (SET). Prior to Digital Harbor, Manasij co-founded Enact Systems, a SAAS based product company, an award winning platform for the US renewable energy. Manasij is passionate about Product Management, and in using modern technologies to solve business problems. An industry veteran of 16 years, Manasij is a graduate of IIT Kharagpur and an MBA from University of Cambridge (U.K.)

Ruchi Chandra Verma

Product Manager, Digital Harbor

Ruchi is an engineering graduate by qualification and a functional expert by profession. Worked in multiple domains varying from human services, healthcare, manufacturing to case management. Currently, working with Digital Harbor’s PMG group as a Product Manager, helping create innovative products and cutting-edge technology.

Problem Statement:

Two wealthy investors were found dead at their respective homes last night. The deceased were two of the city’s richest, and were well-known for their philanthropy, and their sudden deaths stunned many in the country.

This incident happened on the same week that two investors had fired the founder of the company Taxi Hub, which the two had angel funded, over some financial irregularities.

The media has been tirelessly following up on the case with city Police Chief Irving, who are concerned on the 34th murder in the city this month itself The police have declined to publicly comment on any suspects.

Meanwhile, a crack detective team has been hastily put together by the Chief Irving. Detective Harry Bosch is in lead along with Detective Jerry Edgar.


Over the next few weeks, Bosch and Jerry collect hundreds of evidences, interviewed dozens of potential wit­nesses, researched into several federal and state databases, collaborated with tens of state and federal agen­cies and consulted with District Attorney Anita on legal procedures.

They are assisted in their investigations by an innovative enterprise software developed by a cool startup that has helped Bosch and Jerry in bringing all the case information together.

The last date for submissions is 10th March 2018 | 11:59 PM

Today, many technology buyers in industries beyond government, legal and insurance are thinking about their work as case-oriented rather than simply transactional. Case work is nonroutine; typically, each work item – aka “case” – is a unique situation that involves complex interactions between content, people, and business or regulatory policies to achieve an optimal outcome.

Case work is contextual, and often judgment- and policy-driven. Case work handling is complex and is a more unstructured process style because:

1. The flow of work (the individual case) is nonlinear and not easily predetermined at design time and is often recursive.
2. There are multiple, dependent workflows often running in parallel for different objects in the case

The Requirement Analysis for this innovative software had begun a year back before the development process, and the product Owner quickly jotted down some of the key goals of the solution.

Data as a first-class Citizen:

Supports a broad range of content types and content interaction services. Case management solutions always require a broad range of data types, from highly structured data (such as an individual’s name, address or ID) to highly unstructured data (such as scanned images, blueprints, faxes, email communications, and audio or video files). Case workers must be able to interact with this content, using capabilities such as view or read, comment or red line, highlight, update or change, and append.

Conversations & Collaboration:

Supports a broad range of collaboration services to facilitate individual and group interactions among all (internal and external) case participants. Collaboration among people (and even potentially with bots) is incorporated into the solution, so that all interactions are recorded as part of the audit trail of how a case is handled. Multiple technologies are typically integrated to support collaborative interactions, including email, chat, text messaging, tweets, shares and news feeds.


Case management solutions often depend on external content and process services from repositories and applications that may not be provided out of the box. Interoperates well with other external content (structured and unstructured data) and process services, such as Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS), portals, mashups, rule engines, application environments, social data feeds and service oriented architecture (SOA) application services.

Imagine you are the Product Owner working on developing on this tool, and you need to present your ideas to the CTO of the company. 

1. List the top 10 innovative features. Innovation could be on UI, on backend, but focused on the key drivers on the investigative process above. 
2. List any assumptions or third-party tools that you may have in mind to develop the tool to improve your go-to-market timeframe.
3. Develop screen mockups for 5 features and present use cases supporting the innovation stated.
4. Describe which features and modules will have customizations, and how they would be implemented.
5. Create a product backlog for the product version 1.0 at an epic level

Few tips:

Market Researchers like Gartner has defined four primary Case Management Tools. They are:

Process to decision (rules- or policies-heavy)

These cases are more structured than other types, in that the workflow is more easily predicted and can be designed into a software solution. The purpose of these cases is to make a decision, and a well-established and often large set of rules or policies must be followed to reach to that decision. The rules tend to change frequently, and may be regulated by an industry or a government agency. These cases are rules-heavy. Ex­amples include mortgage

Service request (workflow-heavy)

Service request cases involve the fulfillment of a request for servicing. Fulfillment is often a contractual obli­gation that specifies the service-level expectation. These cases progress in a structured manner, where the appropriate actions and sequences are well-established. In case-style work, many actions and sequences are possible, and the case worker must decide which of the various options are appropriate to the circumstanc­es. These cases are workflow-heavy, meaning that the workflow is complex and critical to how outcomes are achieved. Examples include insurance and healthcare claims, warranty fulfillment, and telecommunications service provisioning.

Incident management (collaboration-heavy)

Incident management cases are also highly complex, largely because they don’t happen on a schedule. They are anticipated, but when they occur is highly unpredictable. Natural disasters, car or workplace accidents, ill­nesses, HR grievances, and patient care are examples. These cases often exhibit a greater sense of urgency for resolution than other types of cases. Although these cases are data-intensive (like investigative cases), the process is highly ad hoc and situational. Thus, these cases are most distinguished by the degree of collabora­tion activity required to resolve the case.

Investigative cases (data-heavy)

Investigative cases are perhaps the most complex in terms of process (workflow) and content (data). These cases are data-heavy. Often, data is captured as part of the case and relationships between data elements emerge over time. Patterns in the data are discovered, evaluated and acted on. Sequencing of actions on the case is very ad hoc, and event- and milestone driven. Examples include law enforce tax, ere it an ·a­surance fraud, as well as legal investigations etc.

For more details, please refer to this document.

For accessing the reference reports click here.

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