Institute of Product Leadership
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Alumni Connect & Networking! - 3 Feb , Hyderabad

We believe that networking is one of the most important things to do in Product Management.

Here’s why:

Networking builds bridges
In today’s quick-changing world, products and technology are growing at a pace faster than we ever dreamt of. With global companies, and seamless time zones, everybody expects deliverables yesterday. When you need that info-bit it’s so much easier to reach out to a “friend” rather than a “peer”. Building connections can also help build your business, brand and influence.

80% of jobs are obtained by networking alone
Studies show over 80% of new jobs - whether a lateral move or a promotion into a new role - happen due to a person’s networks.

Get Advice on industry trends
The best people to give you advice are the people who experience the same situations you do – personal or professional. It’s a great way to tap into expertise in a really informal way.

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