Institute of Product Leadership
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Suresh Halarneker, EMBA Class of 2017-C

Senior Manager UX Design - IBM

What are the biggest challenges for a UX Designer?

As an individual contributor, I collect data from various fields and organizations to make exciting and user-friendly products. It is very critical to grasp the rapid changes that are taking place in the user’s lifestyle and behavior because of the numerous products. As designers, we need to be on our toes as what was ‘wow’ yesterday becomes quite ‘ordinary’ today! Therefore, understanding the market trends and preparing accordingly is vital.

As designers, we need to be on our toes as what was ‘wow’ yesterday becomes quite ‘ordinary’ today!

How did Executive MBA help you?

I am more confident and able to practice things that previously couldn’t. IPL has taught the importance of empathising with the user and its benefits. As a Product Designer, we are mostly the backstage crew. At IPL we were put in front of the user and learnt to communicate, iterate and learn about the user behaviour and requirements.