Institute of Product Leadership
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Shaleel Nalakath

Associate Director, C2COD Pvt Ltd

Shaleel Nalakath is an Associate Director at C2COD and an MBA graduate from Pondicherry Central University. Shaleel is a credentialed PCC coach and an accredited practitioner in MBTI, FIRO, DiSC and Hogan psychometric profiling instruments. He realised early on that his interest and passion was in observing people and their behaviours. His experience in the learning and development field spans 12 years. Having worked with and made a difference to 6000+ people, both as individuals and teams, Shaleel is a sought-after Mentor and Coach for executives.


Life is short. Do stuff that matters

More from Shaleel Nalakath

Keynote - 15 Tips on Personal Finance and Investment

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