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How Product Managers should use social media?

We are living in the era of social media. This means that product managers must adapt and become proficient at using the social media tools that are available.
Social media is extremely important to product managers because it provides us with a direct connection to our potential and existing customers.
Knowing various social media tools is a great place to commence. However, this leads to another question: what should you do to get the most out of these tools?
To make things simpler, here are a few steps you can adhere to make social media support your product:

Never forget to ask your customer:

Anyone can have a finger in the pie and listen to what their customers are saying for a day. What you need to do is to go all in – set up systems that will allow you to consistently listen to what your customers say about the product, the company, and the competitors. Product Management should use social media as a tool to gather market insights.

Learn from your customers:

As quoted by Bill Gates, “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” Social media provides a nice conduit to converse with customers. However, just listening to your potential customers is not the end of the story. You also must understand what they are trying to tell you and why they are saying it. Connect with your customers using social media and make sure that you understand what their existing feelings are.

It is not about product marketing:

Need to differentiate between social media for product management vs. outbound marketing.Social Media is used for a diverse mix of communication, but it’s just another channel – part of the overall product marketing mix as well as for other sorts of communication like customer feedback, service, and support. Ensure that you share information about upcoming updates with your customers.

Develop truly loyal Customers:

Interaction with users can lead to loyalty between your company and them. Make sure that you take the time to use the information that you are sharing to create an ecosystem where both of you are able to build a deeper relationship based on trust.

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