Institute of Product Leadership
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Our EMBA program is ideal for high potential senior technology leaders who want to accelerate their career path as Product Leaders by surpassing the typical mid-career plateau and gaining new skills that will take them to the top, whether at their current role or in a new one.

Accelerate your Career

"You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself." - Diana Ross

Personalized Leadership Assessment

Our participants undergo a psychometric assessment to assess how they respond to conflicts, and are then coached to develop the right set of conflict management techniques for the situation at hand. A Product Leader’s biggest challenge is to the ability to influence others with whom they have no direct authority. Through leadership courses like Influence Building, Stakeholder Management, facilitated by Executive Coaches, participants get an in-depth understanding of the drivers of how to build influence in the organization.

Engaged Mentorship

From career path transition to accelerating product innovation initiatives, you can expect 1:1 attention from faculty and engage with industry leaders and mentors during and after the program.

Career Management Cell

We assist every participant in the career transition to a Product Management role. This is enabled through a strong Industry Connect with MNCs and Start-ups in the Product Industry, Industry Internships and Career Counselling. Related Links: Three reasons why an EMBA is the best mid-career move

Personalized Development Plan

Series of leadership interventions, psychometric assessments and executive coaching helps build a Personalized Development Plan. We do pre-program, mid-program and post-program assessments to audit the gap and measure incremental improvements in your leadership development.

Get started on your future

Go Further. Faster!