Institute of Product Leadership
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Connie Kwan

VP Product as a service for B2B SaaS, Product Maestro

Connie Kwan is a Product and Marketing executive with 17-years of experience building teams to deliver product excellence. Her experience spans a wide range of industries including blockchain, enterprise SaaS, on-prem software, consumer apps, digital health, energy, and semiconductors. Currently, as the CEO of Product Maestro, she advises startup executives on Product Strategy and coaches PMs on crafting powerful product stories that resonate with customers and teams. Previously as Head of Product for Atlassian’s Marketplace and Developer Ecosystem. She has shipped consumer apps at Microsoft, launched a consumer nutrition startup and consulted for ImpactIQ and


Storytelling is our most powerful way to connect with people. Stories stick while marketing copies and advertisements fade away.

Connie Kwan

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