Institute of Product Leadership
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Coming Together, Starting the Journey

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Henry Ford

The newest EMBA cohort of the year 2016 came together for their first immersion at IPL’s CMRIT campus this weekend. It was time to start the journey - of getting to know each other in the cohort, of learning new frameworks and competencies, and of working together towards enduring success.

Professors Rahul Abhyankar and Nathan Gold walked the cohort through the essential introductory modules of Productizing Frameworks and Presentation Skills. CMR University is one of the host universities of the program. Earlier, the inauguration ceremony was chaired by the Honorable Vice Chancellor of CMR University, Dr. Joshi. Dr. Mohan Das, Director of Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.

Here are some pictures from the weekend. A time of new discoveries, new friendships for life, and most important, of launching a lifelong journey of product leadership!

By The Numbers


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