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Vishwas Mudagal

Co-Founder - GoodWorkLabs & GoodWorks Cowork

Vishwas Mudagal is the Co-Founder at GoodWorkLabs, a multi-million-dollar company that was ranked 3rd fastest growing tech company by Financial Times 2018. He dons many hats. a successful serial entrepreneur, a professional CEO, best selling author, an angel investor, and a motivational speaker. Vishwas was honored by the Economic Times as the Business Leader of the Year 2020 and a Star Entrepreneur Award from Indira India Innovation Summit 2011. Mudagal is a renowned ‘Male Champion of Diversity’ and a leader who has gone that extra mile to advance gender equality and empower women in the workforce.


Do it with passion or not at all

More from Vishwas Mudagal ​ ​ ​ ​

Data driven product engineering Customer experience driven by analytics 2015HYD

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