Institute of Product Leadership
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Sinduja Ramanujam

Sinduja Ramanujam

Senior Product Manager at Microsoft

Sinduja has been working in the tech industry close to 10 years now and has been in various roles from being an Embedded Systems Engineer at Qualcomm, a Kernel developer at Intel, a Firmware developer at Intel, a Systems Architect at Intel to a Product Manager at Microsoft. She is also a mother of a 2-year-old boy and learning to juggle multiple roles. She has been a PM in Microsoft for close to 6 years now and enjoys her journey and incredibly cherishes all of her experiences. She is also a speaker and instructor at Product School and PmDojo and has been helping many aspiring PMs land jobs in the tech world. She also firmly believes that being a Product Manager is an art not a science but with a few tools under your belt you can create your own art.


Do it with passion or not at all

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