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“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge." - Thomas Berger

We love answering your questions.

Find below the answers to some of the frequently asked questions. For a personalized 1:1 discussion schedule a call with a Career Counsellor.

How is this program different?

There are many choices for a quality management education, most of them are general purpose in their approach.

Is this Executive MBA program right for me?

First determine your career path and then find the fasted vehicle to get there. A specialized program is designed for orbit shift but it may not be for everyone.

So how does this work? (Operational Details)

Delight (not Devil) is in the details!

Whats the ROI for me, What should I expect?

For senior professionals time is more precious than money, so ROI is designed around speed and momentum.

Placements, Connects & Career Opportunities

Our goal is to go beyond placement, put you on an accelerated career path to excellence.

Fees, Scholarship, Loans

The cost of doing nothing is very high. Our programs are designed for delight which includes value for money delight!